It may interest you to know that I will be coming out with a TRANSVESTITE Handbook, in the very near future, along with a weekly column on Transvestism. There is great need for correct and useful information, apparently that they have not found with you or your magazine.

I have a brief mention of your publication, which will be appearing in a future column. I mention it, only as being informative, for a great many Transvestites do not know that your publication exists.

Should you still care to meet me when you are in New York City, then I will be more than glad to do so.

Perhaps you may think I am a hard person. On the contrary. I am an extremely gregarious and warm person. It's just that I have no time to bother with people who continually live in pretense that they are doing something for others, when in reality they are just using them.

I have only been in Impersonation, for a period of 5 years, and have only been writing my column for about 7 months, but this short time is no handicap in getting things done. And I will do things. Whether or not others will depends on how sincere they are. I have no time for phonies. Either a person hinders....or they help. Otherwise, they only obstruct. My following is growing, and I have many projects in the making, both for impersonation AND transvestism. Whether or not YOU are included in them will strictly be up to you.

In sincere interest....

Mr. Pudgy Robert

P.O. Box 71

Prince Street Station

New York City, New York 10012